By Derrick Smith
Most athletes do not participate in a sport just to participate. Instead, they want to work hard to be the best that they can be. Bailey Lowder says that for her, there is one thing that is most important when it comes to being your best.
“Confidence is one of the most important qualities,” she said. “Confidence is key to the game. I’ve learned this over the years that I’ve been playing is that the way you hold yourself up determines how you play and how others treat you. Always hold your head up high even when you aren’t playing as well as you need to, but when you start to lose confidence in yourself you dig yourself a deeper hole.
Lowder, who is a sophomore, attends Lawton MacArthur High School. She plays volleyball and runs track for the Highlanders.
There have been many people that have been a part of Bailey’s life over the years and had somewhat of an influence on her. But for her, there is one person that has made the biggest impact.
“One of my biggest role models would have to be Odell Gunter,” she stated. “He has taught me that hard work is not just going to eighth hour practice but also staying after school to put in that extra work before a meet. He always has a good attitude even when I don’t place in a track meet, but he put trust and confidence in me and I gave it in return.”
While she has made a lot of great memories over the years, Bailey says that placing at the state tournament tops her list.
“Making it to state and placing fourth is definitely my highlight moment,” she said. “I was really nervous, but I was able to calm my nerves and throw the discus the best I could. ”
When she is not competing, Lowder is also involved in various groups around campus.
“I am involved in Partners Club and Key Club,” she said. “Partners Club is a way for students to get involved with the school’s Special Olympic athletes. I participate in the volleyball portion of the club. The Key Club is an organization that gets students involved with community service. I’m also a member of the National Honor Society.”