Geary High School’s Makenna Reber is a member of the FFA chapter at school and said several people encouraged her to join.
“I got involved in FFA in the sixth grade,” said Reber. “My grandpa, he showed sheep when he was younger. My grandparents raised me and showed me how to be responsible in life.”
Reber said she loves showing her goats and being involved in many other activities with FFA.
“I am a Greenhand degree recipient, and I serve as a chapter officer. This year I plan to attend leadership conferences, compete in livestock shows, and compete in Career Development Events,” said Reber.
Now a junior in high school, Reber is a member of the basketball and cross-country teams as well as several other clubs.
“I am a member of the BETA Club, STUCO, and I was in band until this year,” said Reber. “What I love most about basketball is playing and winning games.”
Whether she’s showing her does and weathers goats or playing basketball for the Lady Bison, Reber is always excited to be part of the team.
“In FFA I enjoy connecting with others and starting a supervised agriculture experience. I plan to be a farrier and go to college for that type of career,” said Reber. “My grandparents have been a big influence on me and my Ag teacher because they help with class work if I don’t understand.”
Look for the Lady Bison this season on the basketball court as Reber and her teammates are poised for a great year.