Elk City High School sophomore and golfer, Nathan Womack, is focused on being someone who has good character even when no one is looking.
“Good character is doing the right thing even when nobody is watching and also working hard in every aspect of your life to be the best you can be,” said Nathan.
Even though Nathan is a younger student athlete he does not let that be an excuse for him not setting the bar high for himself.
“I have always had pretty high expectations and standards for myself so anytime I start to have trouble staying motivated to get things done I just remind myself that it will be worth it eventually even though it does not seem fun now,” Nathan said.
Not only is Nathan a dedicated golfer for the Elks, but he is also a member of NHS, Key club, and FCA.
Getting started in golf when he was young, it has been something that has been a constant in his life for a while now.
“I have grown up always being out at the golf course messing around or playing with my family in my free time and that just never changed,” Nathan said.
Being acknowledged by his peers and coaches as someone with good character means a lot to the young golfer.
“It feels good to know that I am doing something right,” said Nathan. “Knowing that people look up to me gives me good reason to keep myself in line and work hard at whatever I do.”
In his free time you will still catch Nathan hitting balls on the range or spending time with his friends and family.
Nathan might still have a few years left of high school, but he already has plans of playing golf in college while earning a degree in business.