After graduating from Comanche High School in 2020, Carlos Ramos decided to take his talents to Cameron University where he is a member of the cross country team. Ramos said Cameron was the right school for him based on several factors that he considered when looking for a university to attend.
“Cameron was the right school for me because it is close to my hometown. It was almost as if I was at home when I arrived on campus. Another reason I chose Cameron is because the running program was a great fit for me to start my collegiate career,” said Ramos.
Making the move from high school to college can be a difficult one at first. For Ramos, adjusting to the class schedule was initially the biggest change – that and how many miles the cross country team will put in for practice.
“The biggest adjustment going from high school to college was the way the classes are set up. You’ll go to class twice a week and maybe once depending on the class. It was also a big change because you go to class and learn and then outside of class you do your homework,” said Ramos. “Another big adjustment for me was the difference in mileage for running. I went from not a very serious training schedule with low mileage to a higher mileage schedule with harder workouts.”
Being part of the cross country team has kept Ramos busy and getting to know his teammates from different backgrounds has been a great experience.
“I mostly enjoy how busy it keeps me and the schedule it puts me on. Sometimes I’ll wake up early for practice and then go to class right after. Being a student-athlete helps me make sure I’m caught up on everything and also helps me keep great grades. I also enjoy all the interaction between my teammates and between other athletes on campus,” said Ramos. “The thing I like most about my team is the diversity between everyone. We have a lot of teammates who are from foreign places or foreign backgrounds, so having that diversity really makes things interesting. I get to learn and experience new things that other people from other places do. I also like how inviting all the upperclassmen were to the freshman. They let us in like family and helped us out a lot. Another thing I like is all of the encouragement that we all give each other during races and practice. It makes for a lot of fun and competitiveness.”
Ramos is studying Sports and Exercise Science at Cameron and plans to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in that field.
“I would also like to go to the University of Oklahoma to become a physical therapist,” said Ramos.
Away from school and sports, Ramos said he enjoys hanging out with family and friends and spending time outdoors fishing, hiking, and camping.