Myra Whitney of Clinton High School was nine years old when she first got involved in FFA. Becoming a full member was a goal that she was able to achieve in the eighth grade. Now Whitney is a senior at Clinton High School, and she is enjoying every moment she gets with the FFA team.
When she first joined, it was her sisters who encouraged her to join, which has been somewhat of a family affair.
“My sisters were an FFA and then I got involved and my dad did it when he was a kid as well,” said Whitney.
For Whitney, there are many things she enjoys about FFA. From the conventions to meeting new people, the FFA gives Whitney and other students across Oklahoma the opportunity to display the work that goes into their animals and to be involved in many other activities. Whitney said showing her animals is something she loves doing.
“What I like most about FFA is showing and having fun learning stuff,” said Whitney.
Her animals of choice are pigs and goats and for Whitney, taking them to shows and being part of the atmosphere is what she loves to do.
“I shoe livestock, pigs and goats,” said Whitney, “Anyone wanting to join FFA shoud know that you have fun. We have fun on the trips. We have parties, but we do learn a lot of stuff. The teachers teach us a lot of stuff about agriculture, animals and other things like public speaking.”
Whitney is a member of the varsity volleyball team and as a senior she is looking forward to seeing what they can accomplish this season.
“What I love most about my team is we have good laughs and have fun with each other,” said Whitney.
The senior said she loves smacking the ball into the other team’s court and getting a point. She also loves playing defense and making those big blocks.