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Clinton’s Bryale Johnson Athlete Spotlight sponsored by Blakeburn Clinic

By Jayden Oyler
Bryale Johnson, is a senior at Clinton High School. She has played volleyball since freshman
year, and as a freshman earned an honorable mention for the all-conference team.
“Volleyball has taught me that you can be a good athlete but a bad person,” Johnson said. “At
the end of the day it’s not all about being an athlete, but it’s also about being a good person, so
why not choose to be both!”

Of the benefits of being a high school athlete, representing her school is one of her favorites. “I
am able to leave an impact,” Johnson said. “I know I am being watched by younger kids and
former peers. Knowing my actions affect others around me is a reminder that I can make a
difference in someone’s life and my school.”
Volleyball is not the only activity she is dedicated to. She is also a Clinton High School Football
Trainer, FFA chapter Vice-President, FCCLA President, National Honor Society, church and has a
When it comes to school, her junior English teacher Mrs. Miller has left the biggest impact. “She
took the time to break me out of my bubble and make me comfortable in the classroom.”
Taryn Wraspir has been her longtime teammate since middle school. “She has always made me
a better player and encouraged me,” Johnson said. “She has been there for me in many ways,
and because of her action’s volleyball is more than just a game but a place I can go and know
there is someone there who cares.”
Johnson said best advice she has received is from Coach Radford, “When someone is talking to
you, listen to the message of what they are saying and not the tone of how they are saying.”
When asked if there was anyone, she would like to give a shoutout too, she was quick to
respond. “Thank you to all coaches, teachers, friends, and family.” Johnson went on to say,
“Thank you most of all to my parents for supporting me through all of my many activities.”

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