Alex High School’s Alex Black is a member of her local FFA chapter and a student-athlete for the Lady Longhorns. It was in middle school when Black first decided she wanted to be part of the FFA program at school.
“I first got involved in FFA during the eighth grade,” said Black. “It was my high school principal encouraged me to join FFA.”
Since then, Black has enjoyed many things about the FFA and is showing animals as well.
“What I enjoy most about FFA is showing sheep and meeting new people,” said Black.
While showing animals is a big part of her involvement in FFA, Black also spends time on the livestock judging team. When she’s not getting her boots dirty, you can usually find Black playing slow-pitch softball, powerlifting, or participating with the BETA Club or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
“I love being able to play my favorite sport with my twin sister. I also do powerlifting,” said Black.
Black said her family has been a big influence in her life and she is thankful for their guidance.
“My dad has been a big influence because he always holds me responsible and always pushes me to do my best,” said Black.
Now a sophomore, Black is looking toward her future and making plans for life after high school.
“I’m in tenth grade, and after I graduate, I plan to go to college to judge livestock and become a pharmacist,” said Black.