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Q&A with Duncan’s Jasmine Morales – Athlete Spotlight – Presented By RibCrib

by: Hunter Ferguson

Duncan athlete Jasmine Morales recently discussed her life with VYPE.
VYPE: What are your personal goals for the year?
Jasmine: For cross country this year, my personal goal was to run a 23:00 on my 5k which I was able to beat at the state meet with a time of 22:18. A goal I created for track this year is to run under a 6:00 in the mile. As for my personal life, my goal this year is to become more proficient in my Spanish literacy skills and to better my understanding of other cultures because I think it is important to constantly work on broadening our knowledge!VYPE: What is the most fun you have had in the last year?
Jasmine: The most fun I had this year was when I took a mini road trip this summer with my siblings to watch Boygenius play a show in Houston! Not only did I get to experience my favorite band live, but it gave my siblings and I the opportunity to bond more during the long drive.VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade, and why?
Jasmine: The best teacher I have had the opportunity to learn from is definitely Todd Ledford. As my freshman science teacher, his class was what sparked my love for biology which is what i now hope to study in college. As one of my coaches, he is also my biggest motivator; he constantly reminds me that I am capable of more than I think and taught me to always strive for beyond what is expected of me.VYPE: What is your favorite athletic memory?
Jasmine: My favorite athletic memory is from cross country season when we stayed overnight at a hotel in Guthrie for the Cowboy Jamboree meet. All of the girls met up in one room and we spent the evening playing card games, talking, and especially laughing. That night really solidified how happy I was to lead such an amazing group of people who supported each other not just as teammates but as genuine friends.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?
Jasmine: A few months ago I had a conversation with my teammate, Sydney, who casually brought up that I had been one of her and another teammate’s role model when they first joined cross country. It was completely unexpected as I had always felt like it was me who looked up to them and their dedication in the sport. It left a huge impact on me to know that they gave me the opportunity to fill a role with that much importance. I’m sure she does not realize it but it made me incredibly happy to know I was giving back to my team just as much as what they had given me.VYPE: What is your favorite part of being on this team?
Jasmine: My favorite part about being on this team is that I can regard them as family. There is so much unconditional support and motivation that emerges from everyone that i have never found anywhere else. We all understand the hard work this sport requires and respect one another far too much to never not give 100%. I know that I can count on them to be there on and off the team and I have no limits in my belief of their capability. Being on this team has taught me to not just want improvement in myself but for the people around me.VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation. Where do you go, and who do you take with you?
Jasmine: Easily, I’m going backpacking across Europe with my siblings. It’s something we’ve always talked about and hope to do together in the near future.VYPE: If we gave you $500 and you had to spend it in the next 24 hours, what would you spend it on?Jasmine: Honestly, I would probably end up using the money to buy concert tickets. Music has always served an important role in my life and I love getting to share it with others so I would want to take my friends and I to go see one of our favorites live.

VYPE: Do you participate in any community service projects?

Jasmine: I am the president of a social club known as Lucky Circle where our primary existence is to give back to the community, so I help out in many volunteer opportunities through there. We often make donations such as to the humane society or the safe center. We have also helped out in other ways like repainting the carousel and moving Christmas trees for Kiwanis as well as running booths at community events like bark in the park and the Impact concert to name a few.

VYPE: What Clubs or Campus groups are you involved with and why?

Jasmine: As I mentioned before, I am a member, and now president, of Lucky Circle Social Club. The reason I chose to join this club was because I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself and what better way to do that than to give back to my community. I love how the club can serve as an amazing opportunity to get high school girls, like myself, to have a place where they can lead freely and do so in a way that is beneficial to others

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