Madison Holladay, an Elk City High School softball player, wrestler and FFA member, said there really wasn’t much else to do growing up in western Oklahoma.
Softball is her favorite between the two sports.
“I grew up playing this sport. I’m always in the batting cage or on the field practicing or playing,” Holladay said. “I feel like I add the cheerfulness that the team needs to get through the games and I’m starting center field on varsity.”
She runs greenhouse productions and officer meetings for Elk City’s ag program.
“There’s a lot more effort that you have to put in than people think,” Holladay said.
Managing her schedule is no easy task. “Just trying to get my schedule set up the way I need it to be sometimes with all of the activities I do, they end up interfering with each other,” Holladay said.
In her spare time, Holladay enjoys spending time with friends or hiking.