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Mt. View-Gotebo

Mountain View-Gotebo’s Braegan Newton – Presented by Farm Credit Western

With the encouragement of family members, Braegan Newton made the decision to join FFA as a freshman. Now a senior, Newton has shown animals since the seventh grade.

“My cousins Nathan and Todd Davis encouraged me to become involved in the FFA organization. From there I started my livestock journey through showing pigs, and judging animals. I had always wanted to be a part, but I didn’t have the means or a way. Nathan, and Todd stepped in. Nathan provided me a pig, and Todd a place to keep it. Without them my dream of showing would have stayed just that, a dream,” said Newton. “I have shown swine since my seventh-grade year.”

Newton currently serves as chapter president at Mountain View-Gotebo High School where she is senior class president, captain of the academic team, and a member of the slow-pitch, fast-pitch, and basketball teams. As a member of FFA, there are many activities Newton said she enjoys being part of for MVG.

“I am a part of the livestock judging and showing aspects of FFA. I love everything about being in FFA. I love the work ethic that FFA instils in everything they represent. Whether in speech contests, judging, the livestock aspects, or anything else, FFA weaves hard work, integrity, an honor throughout its organization. I am the person I am today in all areas of my life because of the character and work that I have learned in FFA,” said Newton.

After high school, Newton plans to attend college and enter the medical field. Newton offers this advice to anyone interested in FFA.

“Go for it! Don’t hesitate or let anything hold you back. There will be challenges you face in FFA, but don’t shrink back from the challenge. These challenges will stretch you, mold you, and make you a better person. You will create friendships, memories, and life traits that will carry you through a lifetime,” said Newton.

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